In the years of our Lord 879-880, a council convened in Constantinople for the sake of restoring broken relations between East and West, and it succeeded.
For the first time, the Acts of this oft-called Eighth Ecumenical Council are made available in English. Within, the Acts address the Pope’s repeated request for the East to recognize his jurisdiction in Bulgaria. The council issued three canons which are recorded. The Acts dealt with the restoration of Photius and the healing of the schism that had been created in the church of Constantinople, the issues establishing the church in Bulgaria, the mutual recognition of canonical punishments in the patriarchates of both Rome and Constantinople. Critical to subsequent centuries, this council condemned any addition or subtraction to the Nicean Creed, implicitly forbidding the West’s insertion of the Filioque.
These Acts give a deep insight into the issues leading up to the pivotal time in a permanent break in Eastern and Western unity. Now, these Acts give the reader primary source material to read for oneself on this Council accepted by the West for 200 years, attended by 383 bishops, representing all five patriarchates, regarding how to handle those in the West who were beginning to sow the seeds of heresy and schism.
- Size (softcover): 6 x 9 inches
- ISBN (softcover): 978-1-63941-038-5
- ISBN (hardcover): 978-1-63941-037-8