Our Press takes its name from the uncut mountain in the book of Daniel, the All-Holy Theotokos (Birth-giver of God) and Virgin Mary, from whom the Stone (Christ) was cut without hands (Dan. 2:34-35). St. Justin the Martyr (100-165 AD), in his Dialogue with Trypho, refers to this when defending the virgin birth of Christ thus: “To say that it was cut by no human hand (cf. Dan 2.45) is to show that it is not a work of man, but the work of the will of God who produced it, the Father, God of all” (Justin Martyr, Dial. 76).
St. Irenaeus of Lyon also identifies Christ with the Stone in Daniel thus: “Christ is the ‘stone cut out of the mountain without hands,’ which is to annihilate the temporal kingdoms and bring in the everlasting kingdom, that is, the resurrection of the righteous—for ‘the God of heaven,’ it is written, ‘will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed’” (Dan 2.44) (Irenaeus of Lyon, Haer. 4.20). It was Irenaeus who first suggested a connection between the mountain from which the stone was cut and the Virgin Mary in his explanation of the significance of the expression “by no human hand” in the Book of Daniel: “His [Christ’s] coming into this world was not by the operation of human hands, that is, of those men who are accustomed to stone-cutting; that is, Joseph taking no part with regard to it, but Mary alone cooperating with the pre-arranged plan. For this stone from the earth derives existence from both the power and the wisdom of God” (Haer. 3.21). (See: Paul Ladouceur, “Old Testament Prefigurations of the Mother of God,” St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 50, 1-2 (2006), 5-57).
The “logo” of our Press shows the Uncut Mountain, the All-Holy Theotokos, hands raised in prayer for the whole world, residing in the Holy Mountain of Athos, her millennium old “garden” of holiness and asceticism and truly an uncut mountain, from which the Stone, which the builders rejected, is forever crushing the kingdoms of this world and being laid as the cornerstone of Faith for many.